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Gary Acker
Teri Adams (Gerbig)
Carol Albin (Barry)
Mark Anderson
Rev. Dr. Byron Arledge
Julie Aschinger (Wilson)
Maggie (Beth) Barnett
Sandra Bergman (Freisner Stoller)
Candace Bergmann (Finn)
Diane Boehm (Dalton)
Mike Brickey
Doug Brownfield
Beverlee Brush (Houseman)
Joy Bullock (Rinehart)
Jean Burr (Rankin)
Connie Campbell (Redman)
J. Robert Chambers
Keith Chrissinger
George Colburn
David Cole
Cheryl Combs (Scarborough)
Ron Cook
Craig Cottingham
Sally Daly (CaJacob)
Carolyn Dickerson (Zerman)
Jim Dobbs
Tim Downing
Stuart Eagleson
Chip Elliott
David Milton Erickson
Pamela Ertley (Doyle)
Carolyn Fahrbach (Zadrozny)
Thomas Fox
Carol Georgia (Kuck)
Viki Gosnell (Archer)
Marcia Graves (Parsons)
Jenni Grimes (Kay)
Rosemary Grooms (Caldwell)
Susan Guthrie (Heebink)
Stephen A. Hardymon
Susan Heckman (Bell)
Linda Sue Heflin (Allen)
Rick Henderson
Mike Heyne
Vicki Hittle (Morley)
Vicki Jagsch (Brush)
Dave Johnson
Gail Jones (Wetterauer)
Marnet Karper
Bob J. Karr
Jody Keim
Kathy Kern (Schmidt)
Randy Ketcham
Carole Kime (Rees)
David P. Kirch
Judy Knowles (Allison)
Patricia Lawless (Post)
Louetta Sue Lawrence (Hunt)
Ted Leakas
Helen Legg (Detrick)
Ruth Legg (Krabach)
Diane Leis (Knepper)
Jackie Lodge (McArdle)
Gretchen Luidens (Myers)
Jeff Manecke
Mary Rae Mattson (Hayhurst)
Lyn McArdle
Timothy McHenry
Bob Merritt
Steve Middleton
Janie Moench (Kaeser)
Mike Moss
Bill Mueller
Carol Oakwood (Solis)
Barbara Patten (Unverferth)
Elaine Prichard (Rotondo)
Barb Rauh (Pendleton)
Tim Revell
Jeff Ridgway
Kathrin Roberts (Fellow)
Roy Robertson
Ted Rose
Dennis Rotondo
Candy Schaffner (Manken)
Arch Schultz
Barbara Shoop (Chrissinger)
Judith Simonson (Browning)
Genie Snyder (Morgan Hoster)
Daniel Spies
Karen Stelling (Sheppard)
Betsy Talbot (Baldwin)
Susan Thomas (Shilling)
Tom Tibbals
Robert Vance
Ken Vaughn
Ann Venzke (Groff)
Ljane Wahl (Mason)
Kathy Watters (Murphy Dyer)
Gail Whitacre (Tibbals)
Janet Whitbeck (Stone)
Larry White
Marilyn White (Leslie)
Philip Williams
Bob Zerman