Upper Arlington High School
The Class of 1963 Reunion Committee members voted to approve establishment of the Class of 1963 Endowment Fund through the UA Education Foundation or “ UA+Ed “ as it is called..
As fellow members of the UAHS Class of 1963, we are reaching out to ask that you join us in giving back to the school that we benefited from as students. There is no doubt that the economic environment that caused financial cuts at the state and national level has impacted the UA schools budget. Never before has our role in providing funding for projects and programs which exceed the school budget been more important. It is through our support as a class that we are able to provide these extras for UA students and staff.
An Endowment Fund is intended to provide revenue for grant-making in perpetuity. A Fund is fully endowed when the balance reaches $10,000. Funds have two (2) years to reach endowment status. Once endowed, assets are commingled for investment purposes following best accounting practices and the investment goals and policies of UA+ED.
Donations may be made in any of the following ways: cash, check, credit/debit card, stock, bequest, living trust, provision in a retirement plan, IRA or a whole life insurance policy.
The Fund will be invested by an investment group and managed by the UA+ED who receives your donations, issues invoices upon request and performs all accounting duties including annual reports.
After all expenses are paid for the 60th Reunion activities, the remaining bank balance, which should be in the $2,000 - $2,500 range, will be used to initially establish our endowment fund. This includes donations received from many classmates when sending in reservation forms.
Details regarding the UA Education Foundation can be found in your folder along with a Donation Form.
We hope you will join us to grow Class of 1963 Endowment Fund within the next two years to be fully endowed with a $10,000 balance. Please feel free to contact the UA+ED staff with questions.
Alice Finley : 614-487-5007 x 1120 or email: Alice@UAEducationFoundation.com
Warm regards,
60th Reunion Committee Members
This web site is created and managed by your UA 1963 Class Reunion Committee. We hope to keep it ad free with classmate contributions.
Any questions or problems logging in, please contact;
website administrator - kvaughn@columbus.rr.com
• Linda Loving (Loving)
• Susan Heckman (Bell)
• Patricia Millay (LeBlanc)
• Martha French
• Pam McKee (Hardman)