Missing Classmates

Many of the classmates on this list are not actually "missing" as we do have a mailing address for most, however we do not have an e-mail address for any. We would like to send an invitation for them to join our web site, and we can only do this by e-mail. If you are in touch with a classmate on this list, please contact them and suggest they join in the fun by going to the website and signing up.

Just click on a name below to and follow the prompts.

Avery (Carden) Dalton
Jack Anderson
Mark Anderson
Rev. Dr. Byron Arledge
Julie Aschinger (Wilson)
Judith Barnard
Sandra Bergman (Freisner Stoller)
Candace Bergmann (Finn)
Laird Blackwell
Diane Boehm (Dalton)
Catherin "Kay" Boes (Swafford)
Francine Bogatin (Hune)
Eric Bolz
Pam Brown
Joy Bullock (Rinehart)
J. Robert Chambers
Nancy Champion
Jean Cherry (Pett-Ridge)
George Colburn
David Cole
Karen Cosens (Baker)
Triena Decker (Harper)
Jennifer Dingledine
Jim Dobbs
Diane Donelson (Rogers)
Tim Downing
Robert James Dyer, III
James Robert Fancher
Sandy Finsland
Barbara Fitzsimons (Hughes)
Carol Georgia (Kuck)
Linda Sue Grafmiller (Moore, Iii)
Marcia Graves (Parsons)
Rosemary Grooms (Caldwell)
Cheryl Gullett
Virginia Hall (Davis)
Julie Harter (West)
Linda Sue Heflin (Allen)
Rick Henderson
Mike Heyne
Vicki Hittle (Morley)
Cheryl Irwin (Scheffer)
Philip Isabel
Linda L. Kazienko (Fordyce)
Karen Kelley (Challen)
Kathleen Kelly
Kathy Kern (Schmidt)
Jim Kessler
Karen Kessler (Battoe)
Ellen Kincaid (Sandrock)
David P. Kirch
Bruce R. Kuhnert
Patricia Lawless (Post)
Ted Leakas
Susan Lowmiller
Gretchen Luidens (Myers)
Ed Lynch
James Lynch
John MacGregor
Jack Maguire
Carol Martin (Cercone)
Tom Hayman Martin
Lyn McArdle
Linda McClannan (Critzer)
Karen McClintok
Jane McCormack (Terins)
Carol Ann McCune (Link)
Ginny McIntire (Korstage)
John McPherson
Jeff Mergardt
Mary Meyer
Steve Middleton
Mona Milfrod
Janie Moench (Kaeser)
Mike Moss
Bill Mueller
Robert "Nick" Nichols
William Grant Nuhfer
Carol Oakwood (Solis)
Kenneth Overholt
Barbara Patten (Unverferth)
Carole Paul
Sherry Pendleton (Myers)
Don Scott Reed
Tim Revell
Libby Robertson (Marvin)
Roy Robertson
Patricia Rudolph (Deines)
Candy Schaffner (Manken)
Arlene Schick (Roop)
Susan Scott (Malley)
Sara Sharpe
Judith Simonson (Browning)
Paul Smith
Karen Stelling (Sheppard)
Dave Stewart
Valerie Stocklin
Pamela Taylor
Mike Thomas
Tom Tibbals
Sherrie Troyer
Robert "Nick" Turner
Ann Venzke (Groff)
Terry Waldo
Steve Walker
Bonnie Walz
Kathy Watters (Murphy Dyer)
Bill J. West
Jim Wheeler
Sydney Ames Wheeler (Watras)
Janet Whitbeck (Stone)
Larry White
Craig Bray Wilson
Becky Ylaya
Bob Zerman